Growing Deeper

How do I grow a deeper faith?

We are so glad you asked! 

Growth is a life-long process (Philippians 2:13). So don’t be discouraged! It is God who is at work in you, changing you by His Spirit, and making you more like Jesus. No matter whether you have just started following Jesus, or have been following Him for a long time, Jesus wants you to keep growing deeper roots (Colossians 2:6). 

To be a “disciple” of Jesus is to be a student or apprentice of Jesus. We are all learning from Him and learning to be like Him! Discipleship is the lifelong journey of trust in Jesus, whereby the Holy Spirit transforms us into the likeness of Jesus, so that we increasingly experience the abundant life of loving God and neighbor. 

So as a disciple or learner of Jesus, how can you continue to grow at GBC? Well, we have a lot of different options! As you’ll see in the links below we have a variety of classes we offer throughout the year. We have past and present SERMONS to listen to. We have a daily Bible reading plan called HABITS OF GRACE and we also offer WORSHIP NIGHTS once a quarter for a time of extended singing and prayer. If you are looking for deeper community and connection we would encourage you to learn more about our small group ministry called GRACE GROUPS.

We are grateful to have you as a part of our GBC family – and even more excited to know you desire a deeper faith. We are confident, that as you take intentional steps to grow in your relationship with Jesus, God will continue to do a great work in you and through you!

"For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." - Philippians 2:13

Foundations for Life | Making Sense of Life and Faith

 Beginning Thursday evening, January 18th, at 7:00 PM in The Adult Classroom in Fellowship Hall. Foundations for Life is a class designed to help provide you with answers for some of life’s most significant questions. The class will also explore the basics of Christianity. We all want a solid foundation to build upon and this class is the place to start your journey. Whether you are just beginning to seek God or have been following Jesus for a long time, we’d love to have you join us for this eight-week class taught by Jack Glupker.


The Romans Road | Examining the Key Doctrines and Life Application of Paul's Letter to the Romans. 

Join us for a deep dive into the New Testament book of Romans! Paul's letter to the Romans is arguably the premiere theological work of the New Testament. During this class, we will explore key theological issues such as the attributes of God, the theology of man and sin, salvation, free will and election. The first two-thirds of the letter explores theological issues while the final third gives very practical advice. This book, then, is a masterclass in understanding what we believe as Christians and how we are to live those beliefs out. 

This class, beginning on January 14th, will be taught on Sunday mornings at 12:30 PM in the BOX by Dave Brzezinski who is the Coordinator Of Adult Education/Elder at GBC.




© 2024 Grace Bible Church Ann Arbor   |   1300 S. Maple Rd, Ann Arbor, MI US 48103